It’s impossible to keep catching fish once the fish refuse to take the bait. Please Jeff Rake don’t get hung-up on the self-importance of your own creativity and forget without enough loyal fans your creativity means absolutely nothing. I’m not asking for a major reveal on how MA828 disappeared, but a little hint of substance as to why the plane disappeared would satisfy my curiosity. But even with the soap, there are only questions, no answers. I’m currently enjoying the soap opera drama. Questions remain regarding: Thomas, Bethany, Fiona Clarke, Belson, the Major, Powell, Danny, Autumn, Vance, UDS, SP, Mirror Factor, Kelly’s body, the callings, shadow drawing, torture of hostages, current location of hostages, etc. Manifest ended its first season with quite the crushing blow discovered by the Stone family: death dates for those who were on Flight 828 and anyone else who returned from similar situations. It’s time for the show’s creators to answer a few questions regarding previously introduced adversaries before introducing new ones.
“Ben in turn explores an alternate meaning to Michaela’s calling that leads him to a new alliance… and a powerful new adversary.”